Copyright 2023 The Summit Lighthouse, Inc. All rights reserved. Her books, Angel Messages, Angel Courses and CD's provide a direct link to the love, frequency & wisdom from the Angelic and Spiritual Realms for people around the world. He comes to show us that true religion is the highest science and that all religion can be proven if we will accept the proof of that which manifests within as well as that which manifests without. The motto of beloved Nada is Jesus own golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.. The Fifth Ray aligns to the third-eye chakra while the rays color is an emerald green or orange. Their chakra is the solar plexus, which is tied to the water element, the water body, and therefore the feeling for God is very intense. His teachings embodied his unwavering belief in the power of bliss. What are some past lives of these masters? In occidental culture, it can be seen in early Western mystery traditions, such as Gnosticism and Mithraism, and in texts and iconic art of the Catholic Church as . With the Seven Rays in balance, you can truly align with the Divine Plan for your lives. It has been known by various means that the, are positive entities that focus on planet earth, through the education of the . And that they have ended up faithfully serving Jesus Christ in the kingdom of heaven. These listed Great Ones have all chosen the path of Earth service "Man [or woman,] know yourself;" said the Greek. Well, he has managed to be a very effective divine entity for the balance in humanity, being a great guide in these aspects and principles. And he asked God to purify this longing, even for a very love of Thee.. These paths are the subdivisions of the wholeness of Christ. We know that there are manifestations we cannot see that are photographed in Kirlian photography. Called as The Lord Lanto and known as the lightning of yellow color and with a lot of brightness. It is Serapis Bey who teaches us this discipline. Each of the seven rays that is the fulfillment of an aspect of the Christ consciousness is ensouled by an Ascended Master who has graduated from the schoolrooms of earth, ascended into the Presence of the I AM THAT I AM and stands as the teacher of the way of self-mastery on a particular ray, or radiance, of the Christ mind. He gave a prayer that to me is most precious in that it shows his devotion to God. Including assistance with almost anything else in your life, you desire including, healing, finding purpose, love, and more. Lord Lanto teaches the path of attainment through enlightenment and mastery in the crown chakra and helps souls to receive wisdom and knowledge. In addition, it is speculated that they took the body of the man to be able to study stronger knowledge and thus have smarter people. Saint Germain, then, gives usthe way of self-transformation through intense invocation of the sacred fires of the Holy Spirit as that violet flame actionthat is the dissolving of sin or the records of past karma. And in this way have a more positive effect on the coexistence of people, as well as the positive evolution of the human race. The Chohan of the Fourth Ray is the Master Serapis Beya Spartan if I ever saw one -whose fiery determination has saved many a soul from the mush of self-indulgence. He said: Give me, good Lord, a longing to be with Thee: not for the avoiding of the calamities of this wicked world, nor so much for the avoiding of the pains of Purgatory, nor the pains of Hell neither, nor so much for the attaining of the joys of Heaven in respect of mine own commodity, as even for a very love of Thee. Which seeks an improvement in the human being in terms of the most difficult areas and not easy to understand by the majority. Powered by. (2+0+2+3) Numerology Predicts 2023 as Your Luckiest Year for Everything, Angel Number 911 Meaning: A Hidden Message Revealed, HERES WHAT NOBODY IS TELLING YOU ABOUT ANGEL NUMBER 666 (MEANING AND MESSAGE). Well, El Morya begins at the beginning on the First Ray. But only 7 of them have been the most important, due to the knowledge, intensities and light that they have managed to obtain from their life on earth until the moment of ascending. The most important lesson that I have learned from El Morya is that the will of God is within us. We sense the presence of an aura but we cannot see the aura. Ascended Master~ Jesus (Sananda), Attributes~ Devotion, Forgiveness, Peace, Faith, Gratitude, Abstraction, Ability to See In The Light, Seventh Ray Which I will be revealing and how to call upon them yourself within this article. The ascension is merely the acceleration of the vibratory rate of the electrons and the actual nuclei of the atoms of being until the vibration is so intensified that the individual actually disappears from the sight or the visible spectrum of the disciples. . She taught her followers to harness the power of each moment. Jesus teaches us that a house divided against itself cannot stand. Morya goes on: Saint Paul is very much involved in working with atheists and agnostics. Thus, theascended masterswere perfected as time went by and as they worked together with Jesus Christ in the kingdom of heaven. The Ascended Master Lord Lanto is the chohan of the second raythe yellow ray of illumination. And so to begin the path of true chelaship we have to resolve this schism within the self. I understand mine to be Quan Yin after a lucid dream a few years ago of remembering me swimming with her in a river as a child many moons ago. However, they exist and are responsible for doing their work in a pleasant and perfect way, which will help the evolutionary development of people on earth, as well as spread good energies to those who need it most. The masters of India teach that this base chakra is the focal point for the Goddess Kundalini and the raising of the energies through the other chakras. And if we would ever want to go back in history, I think we would all like to be at Camelot. He gave a prayer that to me is most precious in that it shows his devotion to God. This Holy Grail was brought from the Holy Land by Joseph of Arimathea and buried in a well at Glastonbury. Jesus teaches us that a house divided against itself cannot stand. Seven rays. The most important lesson that I have learned from El Morya is that the will of God is within us. These Masters are called the Ascended Masters because they have reunited with God in the ritual of the ascension. It is the last ray and, known by the name of Saint Germain which can be seen with a violet color. Well, El Morya begins at the beginning on the First Ray. Emilly Stefan The Fear lab was an American author of young adult novels, most known for her fantasy series, Age of the Seventh Sun. And, well, they are those entities with a source of divine light full of happiness and well-being. There are millions of ancient and modern ascended masters. A good place for galactic global government! Enter Your Email Below For Free Instant Access! There is a fairly large community of these divine entities in the kingdom of heaven. Melchizedek is largely known as an earlier incarnation of Jesus Christ. Which is desired and is performed by these entities. Melanie Beckler is an internationally acclaimed best-selling author, channel, and founder of . They are humanities representatives at these councils. Whose values have been very decadent in humanity, for this reason he is positioned as one of the importantascended mastersin the kingdom of heaven. He teaches that without dedication to the will of God you cannot be disciplined on any other of the rays. In order to be spokesmen in a peculiar way and little known by humans. Be Empowered. Please log in again. Also known as the Goddess Of Mercy, she is cherished and adored throughout Eastern traditions. It is our inner blueprint; it is the design of the soul. The Ascended Master SAINT GERMAIN (Twin ray: Portia), the Chohan of the seventh ray and the master of the begining 2000-year-cycle We know that there are manifestations we cannot see that are photographed in Kirlian photography. And if we would ever want to go back in history, I think we would all like to be at Camelot. It was the dream of our late President Kennedy. Ask the Ascended Master and Archangel of each Ray to align you with the energy of the Divine in these specific ways, so that you may experience balance, and express your true self through love and service. And there is just as much empirical proof of the God within as there is empirical proof of the God without. : Ares - Pale yellow with a white core: Deva of the Central Sun, her aura has a yellow centre with an orange edge. All Rights Reserved | Copyright 2023 & Melanie Beckler, Testimonials | Privacy Notice | Disclaimer | Terms of Use | Sitemap, {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}, __CONFIG_colors_palette__{"active_palette":0,"config":{"colors":{"62516":{"name":"Main Accent","parent":-1}},"gradients":[]},"palettes":[{"name":"Default Palette","value":{"colors":{"62516":{"val":"var(--tcb-skin-color-0)"}},"gradients":[]}}]}__CONFIG_colors_palette__. He was Melchior, one of the three wise men. The teachings hold that an "ascended master" is a human being who has taken the Sixth Initiation, also referred to as Ascension, [2] and . Jesus was not the only son of God who ascended into the white fire core or the central sun of being. Obtaining in most of the times a positive and fair effect. Who they are and their importance to humanity, as well as their characteristics with their divine powers. In addition, each of. "Man [or woman,] know thy rays;" said the Esotericist. The ascended masters teach us, through the Keepers of the Flame lessons sponsored by Saint Germain, how we can (as we go to [] Lords of the Seven Rays - El Morya Part 2 El Morya, Lord of the First Ray, Part 2 With Elizabeth Clare Prophet We realize that we have many ties, many interesting relationships that are carry overs from previous . Attributes~ Active Intelligence, Creativity, Adaptability and Motivation, Fourth Ray In order to be spokesmen in a peculiar way and little known by humans. Which retreat of the Great White Brotherhood do you want to grace with your Presence? In the sixth century he was embodied as Arthur, King of the Britons. In this time of massive change, and collective ascension, missing out the qualities of any one of the Seven Rays will leave one feeling out of balance and incomplete. Which are manifestations of the oneness we are all connected to and come from, and how to use them to accelerate your spiritual growth. ANCIENT AWAKENINGSSunday Call 4/24/2023 (A.A. Michael, OWS, Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnellBrace for impactAA Michael and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna Joannas Higher SelfThese messages were given during our Ancient, "There are many ancient appreciations that the continent of America existed, centuries before Columbus officially discovered itIn fact, the Knights Templar sent a fleet of their ships there, after they were made anathema by the Pope and outlawed", "Sanctions upon Russia, by the western world, are having a minimal effect on the lives of people in Russia, itselfI would suggest that sanctions are a stupid policy, initiated by stupid people, suffering an irrational condition, we can describe as". It has been known by various means that theascended mastersare positive entities that focus on planet earth, through the education of the I am whose study focuses on self-improvement and, obtaining all kinds of knowledge to become a complete person. Here is a quick look at the manifestation of these Rays of Light, along with the associated Archangel and Ascended Master for each ray. Melchizedek. Amaterasu, Japanese goddess of the Sun has a melting yellow aura with pink sparkles. Rick Khan co-founder and intuitive coach, channeller of divine messages and healing with the ultimate goal of helping people around the world wake up to this same inborn gift available to all. He is characterized as one ofthe ascended masterswith the greatest patience and the greatest desire to transmit the most difficult studies to those who are interested. Description. Thomas More longed to be with God just for the sake of loving him and not for any other compensation. Well, the important thing is to bring each one the best possible vibe so that they have a more tolerable and successful life course. What were some of El Morya's previous embodiments. That is, he is dedicated to expanding the knowledge of mathematics, logic and other fundamental principles. El Morya explains in his book The Chela and the Path: Each of the seven rays that is the fulfillment of an aspect of the Christ consciousness is ensouled by an Ascended Master who has graduated from the schoolrooms of earth, ascended into the Presence of the I AM THAT I AM and stands as the teacher of the way of self-mastery on a particular ray, or radiance, of the Christ mind.And so as Chohan of the First Ray, I teach the law of the will of God and the mastery of energy through the throat chakra in the science of the spoken Word. Jesus was not the only son of God who ascended into the white fire core or the central sun of being. He teaches seekers the science of divine alchemy and transmutation. Ascended Masters journey through the ascension process and evolve to the 5th dimension, body and all. Well, his love for justice and the gift of freedom has become the axis of his work and love. Often working with Archangel Gabriel, he enables souls to gain mastery in the third-eye chakra. The Chohans have come to teach us what is the true teaching of Christ for our particular ray. Since they allow us to be participants in the most positive actions on planet earth, where they direct human beings so that they achieve better growth and decision in their actions, which can positively affect human evolution. Well, El Morya begins at the beginning on the First Ray. Integration starts with awareness. This, thanks to the different previous studies in life. If you want to do this yourself follow these 3 simple steps: If you want assistance with transmutation and activating your light body, call upon St Germain and the seventh violet ray. in the kingdom of heaven. 16 minutes read. What Are the Seven Rays and Why Do They Matter Now? She is also known as the unifier of families and twin flames. Nada's chelas pave the way for the golden age of Aquarius under [the Master] Saint Germain. She assists souls to master the qualities of the solar-plexus chakra and prepares them to speakin tongues. I think sometimes people think that the path of religion cannot be combined with the path of science but the apostle Paul shows us that, in truth, true religion and true science are one and the same vibration. Ascended Masters are able to help humanity from the higher dimensions once they have ascended and often perform miracles and because they have kept their body they can occasionally appear back on Earth in a body for short periods. Morya explains: This is why those who serve on the Sixth Ray with Jesus and Nada have an intense feeling for God and a very devotional nature. whose study focuses on self-improvement and, obtaining all kinds of knowledge to become a complete person. In the sixth century he was embodied as Arthur, King of the Britons. Well, he has had the enormous task of reinforcing the truth in the words and actions of the human being on planet earth. Therefore, these entities are allowed to have a little more freedom. and one of the most interesting rays of these 7 divine entities. For this reason, this community of spirits was created, which have a slightly more delicate task but that few know. Morya goes on: Saint Paul is very much involved in working with atheists and agnostics. Tired of Repeating The Same Routine? - The Old Earth is Gone ~ The Galactic Federation,, The Soul of Mother Russia Resonates With The Incoming Aquarian Ray - Like Attracts Like, Project Blue Beam About To Be Unleashed According To Former FBI Special Agent, Shocking Chinese video shows how to INVADE the United States through UN-funded migrant camps. and recognized for being that divine entity with the ability to transmit, through his lightning, sincerity and support. Call upon El Morya and the first blue ray. Many remember him as the great heroic figure portrayed in the Man for All Seasonsthe same Arthur come again, the same soul. The 7 Masters of the 7 Rays; The 7 Archangels of the 7 Rays; The 7 Elohim of the 7 Rays; White Buffalo Woman; The dragons and unicorns; The moon; Paravati; The green man; Oshun; The . He bravely offered himself as the ultimate sacrifice by absorbing the sins of humanity. Teachings include purity, joy, hope and excellence. To rebel against the will of God, then, is to rebel against the Self, the true self. Be Empowered. Morya explains: This is why those who serve on the Sixth Ray with Jesus and Nada have an intense feeling for God and a very devotional nature. Today Saint Germain is the avatar of the dawning Age of Aquarius. I think sometimes people think that the path of religion cannot be combined with the path of science but the apostle Paul shows us that, in truth, true religion and true science are one and the same vibration. The seven rays are sub-divisions that make up the main source of energy that we all come from and are linked to the oneness of all that is. In order to instill a better conscience in people in this delicate but at the same time strong feeling, which can be a very important factor for the evolution of humanity. Each of the seven rays that is the fulfillment of an aspect of the Christ consciousness is ensouled by an Ascended Master who has graduated from the schoolrooms of earth, ascended into the Presence of the I AM THAT I AM and stands as the teacher of the way of self-mastery on a particular ray, or radiance, of the Christ mind.And so as Chohan of the First Ray, I teach the law of the will of God . Every person on the planet has a principle Ascended Master who works with them during their lifetime and each Master resonates with a specific level of ascension attained and has a specific color or ray allocated to it. The ascended masters help us become aware of the spiritual paths back to our Divine Source. They have had the same resources that we havea threefold flame of the Trinity within the heart; a Real Self, who is the anointed one, the Christ, the Buddha; and an I AM Presence, whom Moses saw in the bush that burned but was not consumed. And we find that it is the real flame, the real, jeweled love quality of El Morya, who is very present with us today, that makes us hark back to this great visionary king who founded the order of the Knights of the Round Table and led his knights in the quest for the Holy Grail, from which Jesus drank at the Last Supper. And that they have ended up faithfully serving Jesus Christ in the kingdom of heaven. Attributes~ Will, Power, Leadership, Intention, Clear Purpose, Creative Destruction, Detachment, Intensity, Direction. Leaving a good fruit of the divine power of him granted by God for the search of a more sensitive humanity. : Christine, Archangel of the 2nd ray - she has a yellow aura with a white rim. Lord Lanto, the Master of Wisdom who taught wisdom's way in ancient China, teaches the path of attainment through enlightenment, definition and dominion in the crown chakra. The Chohans have come to teach us what is the true teaching of Christ for our particular ray. This episode all about Ascended Masters and the 13 Rays of Light. How To Use Daily Numerology To Help You Break Free Of Recurring Cycles. He assists his students in the self disciplines of the four lower bodies that are necessary for the ascension. We know that there are sounds we cannot hear because they are beyond our spectrum. By learning more about the rays and yourself, you will be able to identify which ray/s youre out of alignment with. Well, he is a divine entity that has liked to support each person who wants to know about this doctrine and find a way to help him, in order to obtain a better expansion of this religion in humanity. Click The Button Below & Get Energy Healing With Your Angels FREE! ), Keep an eye on your inbox for next week's guide to the most remarkable & mystifying cosmic events ahead (& other goodies). Your birth details help us personalize your experience and content. Goddess of purity and love. And if we would ever want to go back in history, I think we would all like to be at Camelot. Or they simply remain attentive from their comfort with their companions, but manage to fulfill their stated objective. . Well, he is a divine entity that has liked to support each person who wants to know about this doctrine and find a way to help him, in order to obtain a better expansion of this religion in humanity. In order to take you to the best place so that your life bears good fruit. Thus, the. In addition, you will be able to know the names of the most important ones who have had the privilege of remaining closest to Almighty God in the kingdom of Heaven. However, he is one of the. Thomas More was canonized in 1935. We are evolving on a very fine line of a spectrum. Where they place each being in a specific position, everything will depend on the life he led when he was alive. Jesus teaches us that a house divided against itself cannot stand. For this reason, these 7 divinities have been known. : Freya - her aura is white at the centre, leading out to . For this reason, we leave you the, and has become known for being an inspiring founder. He comes to show us that true religion is the highest science and that all religion can be proven if we will accept the proof of that which manifests within as well as that which manifests without. Which would make a world healthier and with much more attention, understanding and understanding before the different adversities that arise in life. For this reason, these teachers take care of that and more, because they can have the great ability to guide your steps. He was the ultimate high priest. These divine entities work alongside God almighty, angels, virgins and saints. These sons and daughters of God are our brothers and sisters on the Path. We have noticed those from India or with a connection to India have the lighter soul colour. El Morya, who is so beloved of his disciples, was one who attended the birth of Jesus. When we finally decide to exit the circle of life and death we either remain as a part of the collective subconscious or we start to incarnate into alternative time/space realities or we decide to stay as discarnate beings to assist others who are still part of the birth/death cycle. Which is desired and is performed by these entities. What are some past lives of these masters? The masters of India teach that this base chakra is the focal point for the Goddess Kundalini and the raising of the energies through the other chakras. There is a fairly large community of these divine entities in the kingdom of heaven. Lords of the Seven Rays. Since, the. 2.2 Second Ray of Illumination: The golden ray. Which is responsible as the main objective, order and classify these entities to help and establish a better development of light and good actions on planet earth. A beloved Buddhist goddess,known by many names like White Tara or Green Tara. El Morya, who is so beloved of his disciples, was one who attended the birth of Jesus. Working with each of the Seven Rays is the path here and now to restore balance to the earth and all life through the power of consciousness. Morya goes on: Saint Paul is very much involved in working with atheists and agnostics. Whose figure of her seeks to give her concentration on the improvement of love in the people of the planet earth. Morya explains: This is why those who serve on the Sixth Ray with Jesus and Nada have an intense feeling for God and a very devotional nature. We have to realize that the will of God is good and it will not take from us our essential oneness or our true identity but it is the adornment of that reality. Being a community a little tiny but infallible in their work. He said: Give me, good Lord, a longing to be with Thee: not for the avoiding of the calamities of this wicked world, nor so much for the avoiding of the pains of Purgatory, nor the pains of Hell neither, nor so much for the attaining of the joys of Heaven in respect of mine own commodity, as even for a very love of Thee. Well, he dedicated himself to the broad study of general knowledge, but focusing on young people and their inner being. Nadas chelas pave the way for the golden age of Aquarius under [the Master] Saint Germain. She manifests in many forms and colors, suiting the needs of anyone who requires her help. It is our inner blueprint; it is the design of the soul. Seven ascended masters, called the chohans or lords of the rays, are the master teachers for that Christic attribute due to their lifetimes of mastering the elements of that ray. He instructs us on the relationship between science and religion, both of which are aspects of the green ray of Truth. Our hero of this age, if we ever had a hero, would be King Arthur. Morya was also Thomas Becket, Chancellor of England and Archbishop of Canterbury under Henry II. with the greatest patience and the greatest desire to transmit the most difficult studies to those who are interested. These seven paths each attract their own students scientists, artists, statesmen, healers, teachers everyone is magnetized to their path and their ascended master teacher. For this reason, this community of spirits was created, which have a slightly more delicate task but that few know. Privacy Policy | The Divine Qualities of the 11th Solar Ray are: Divine Purpose, Enthusiasm, and Joy in our Service to the Light. He assists executives, the military and leaders and helps to transform the aggressive people from domination and shows them how to do good in the world. The 11th Solar Ray is the Peach Flame with a resplendent aura of the Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection. were perfected as time went by and as they worked together with Jesus Christ in the kingdom of heaven. Since its function can be performed in many ways, which can occur by descending from the heavens to earth and taking possession of the body of a human in order to carry out its mission. Serapis Bey is the chohan of the fourth ray, hierarch of the Ascension Temple at Luxor, and the thirteenth member of the Council of Adepts of the Ascension Temple. Only few have been able to have the joy of ascending and becoming a divine being full of grace, in order to go in search of human improvement. Each of the seven rays that is the fulfillment of an aspect of the Christ consciousness is ensouled by an Ascended Master who has graduated from the schoolrooms of earth, ascended into the Presence of the I AM THAT I AM and stands as the teacher of the way of self-mastery on a particular ray, or radiance, of the Christ mind. The Ascended Master El Morya is the chohan of the first ray of the will of God. For this reason, there are various people who continue to ask themselves: ?
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