audio or visual materials). appeal a result that you are not happy with, and you should not be in receipt of prejudice or Contact your local computing representative in your school or department, a computing help desk, or the Information Services Helpdesk on 029 2087 4487 (Option 2). In which case, you will be permitted a further attempt but the attempt number for the resit will remain 4.6.3 The Committee will be jointly chaired by the College Deans Undergraduate and Postgraduate and its membership will include: Director of Learning and Teaching from each School; a Students Union sabbatical officer nominated by the President; two senior student representatives. where an aspect of a course relies on the specific expertise of a member of staff who is ill or leaves, and it is not reasonably possible to find a replacement with the relevant expertise. Candidates for postgraduate research degrees are required to hold qualifications at Credit and Qualifications Framework (CQFW) level 6 (or above) or equivalent as determined by Cardiff University in its qualification equivalency guides. from your course. The pass mark for the module as a whole is 50%. The Regulations for PhD by Published Works have been approved by Senate. 5.2 For each programme, one of the below classification rules will be specified to be used to determine the final mark. 1.3Assessment for the award of a research degree comprises the examination of a written thesis, or an equivalent approved format, and the candidate's oral defence of that thesis by a viva examination. if you have failed an module at the first attempt, the resit attempt number will remain appropriate to allow you additional time to provide the evidence. 1.2 The candidate will be approved for the award upon completion of corrections and amendments. In your correspondence, you 5.1.4 The Group shall have responsibility for the delivery of a PGR Action Plan. The study has been designed with the help of . The thesis/portfolio shall be resubmitted no less than 12 weeks and no more than 1 year from the date of the examination. 6.3The Extenuating Circumstances Procedure outlines how students apply for consideration of the impact of these circumstances on assessments and examinations. the number of credits specified by the relevant progression rules for their programme; where relevant, the required professional competencies as set out in the programme information. Masters award criteria. 7.1 Reseach students must present their thesis for examination within the maximum periods of study permitted for their degree: 7.2 Research students who are permitted entry with advanced standing must present their thesis for examination within the remaining time-limit permitted for the programme. 3.2 Entry requirements will be set in line with the requirements of the QAA UK Quality Code for Higher Education. We are committed to promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion in all of our practices and activities relating to student recruitment, selection, and admission. It's not the worst mark, but perhaps some tutoring might help next time. The Student Complaints, Appeals and Review Regulations have been approved by Senate. at attempt one and the resit mark will not be capped at the minimum pass mark. can use it to support an appeal later on. Independent Adjudicator). 8.1 A period of study may be interrupted or a time limit extended by the University in accordance with the Interruption and Extension to Time Limit Policy and Procedure (Research Students). For part-time Programmes, the due date shall be no less than 28 weeks and no more than 50 weeks from the date of enrolment to the Masters Degree (Dissertation Stage). An Aegrotat award does not necessarily entitle the holder to registration with a professional body, or exemption from the requirements of any professional qualification, or progression to another academic programme or another stage of a programme which might otherwise be associated with the programme concerned. Internal repeating students will only be assessed in elements of the assessment that they have not successfully completed in that module, against the original learning outcomes of the module. 3.1 A candidate may study for a research degree as a full-time or a part-time student, or, when a member of University staff, as a staff candidate , subject to the following programme constraints: 3.2 A full-time research student will undertake their programme of study and research at the University, or with regular attendance at the University (which must be agreed by the Head of School/nominee in advance), except where period(s) of study at a partner organisation are supported by a University-approved agreement, or where the student is permitted to pursue full-time research in an external place of employment. Third: If you get between 45%-49%, you need to start thinking about where you went wrong. 8.6 The University permits forms of assessment, including examinations, to be conducted in locations away from Cardiff and Cardiff University. You will need to provide formal evidence that you have satisfied the requirements before enrolment (such as providing qualification certificates). 1.4 Where events or circumstances may have an impact on students ability to attend and engage as expected they should be referred to the relevant policies and procedures set out in section 4. 2.2 Applicants must demonstrate a level of English or Welsh language ability that will enable them to benefit fully from their programme; the level required will vary by programme. 12.1 External examiners are appointed to provide impartial and independent advice, to comment on quality and standards of the programme(s) in relation to the national standards and frameworks, and to comment on the comparability with standards at other UK universities. Transcript. identifying enhancement initiatives which contribute to the achievement of the aims of the Education and Student sub-strategy; reviewing and evaluating student feedback; oversight of progress on the implementation, impact and effectiveness of enhancement activities and initiatives; evaluating the impact of policies relating to the student experience; promoting innovation and enhancement in teaching and assessment; considering issues raised by School Education and Student Experience Committees; ensuring that the arrangements for the supervision and monitoring of postgraduate research students comply with the University requirements, and are readily accessible to all staff and students; ensuring that all students have adequate supervision in the pursuit of their research goals and professional development needs; considering and confirming student entitlements, including provision in terms of space / infrastructure, access to funding for conferences, research costs, travel and training, and teaching opportunities; ensuring appropriate arrangements for the consideration of applications and conduct of interviews; reviewing and considering student feedback received from surveys and the Student Staff Panel; reviewing management information, including, progression, submission, completion, feedback from students and examiners, and use such information to inform School actions; opportunities for the enhancement of the student experience; issues or concerns relating to the arrangements for research degrees and/or student experience which require further consideration at University-level. a sufficient remedy has not been applied previously; the student has achieved sufficient credit for the award. How can I challenge it? The expectations and practices noted in the supporting advice and guidance on being particularly relevant: 1.1 All students will be expected to participate in relevant training activities and contribute to the research environment as fully as is compatible with the successful and timely completion of their studies. Table of Procedures - The table at 4.8 mapping student events to the relevant procedure has been removed, and will be placed in the Student Handbook instead. PhD as a full-time student, or as a member of staff : a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 4 years (with the exception of the 2+2 model); PhD as a part-time student, or on a part-time basis as a member of staff, where the case for a period of registration commensurate with part-time study has been demonstrated: a minimum of 5 years and a maximum of 7 years; 2+2 model PhD as a full-time student, a minimum of 2 years and a maximum of 3 years for the PhD stage; 2+2 model PhD as a part-time student, a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 5 years for the PhD stage; MD as a full-time student, or as a member of staff: a minimum of 2 years and a maximum of 3 years; MD as a part-time student, or on a part-time basis as a member of staff, where the case for a period of registration commensurate with part-time study has been demonstrated: a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 5 years; EngD as a full-time student: a minimum of 4 years and a maximum of 4 years and 6 months; Professional Doctorate as a full-time student: a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 4 years; Professional Doctorate as a part-time student, or as a member of staff, where the case for a period of registration commensurate with part-time study has been demonstrated: a minimum of 5 years and a maximum of 7 years; MPhil as a full-time student, or as a member of staff: a minimum of 1 year and a maximum of 2 years; MPhil as a part-time student, or on a part-time basis as a member of staff, where the case for a period of registration commensurate with part-time study has been demonstrated: a minimum of 2 years and maximum of 3 years. Evidence should ideally oes dim yn gynwysedig yma yn gorchymyn am nwyddau neu wasanaeth programme-level learning outcomes; aligned with the learning outcomes of core and required modules; reference to the QAA subject benchmark statement; reference to professional body accreditation; the structure of the programme, e.g. 1.3 All students benefit from full engagement with their studies, and members of University staff have a responsibility to respond to any concern of patterns of student non-attendance and/or non-engagement. 5.1 The candidate is approved for the award. 16th March 2020, the resit number will remain at attempt one and the mark will remain uncapped. Each school will have at least one Student Staff Panel for taught programmes and one for postgraduate research, with additional Panels established to ensure that issues can be discussed with appropriate representation, e.g. Removal of references to the Preliminary Year following its discontinuation. 5.1.8 The Group shall integrate consideration of equality, diversity and inclusion in all matters falling within its remit. The regulations will be kept under regular review to ensure they continue both to support internal processes to function efficiently and effectively, and to fully meet the requirements of the revised UK Quality Code for Higher Education. In accordance with relevant legislation, the University will consider reasonable adjustments for students with disabilities, provided it does not impact on academic competency standards. The provider actively engages students, individually and collectively, in the quality of their education experience. 3.4 Requirements for specific levels of study are given below: Candidates for undergraduate degree programmes are required either to hold qualifications at Credit and Qualifications Framework (CQFW) level 3 (or above) or equivalent as determined by Cardiff University in its qualification equivalency guides, or to have been assessed by the Academic School as having equivalent professional experience/learning. Students who achieve a final mark of 38% or 39% will be awarded a degree classification of Third Class Honours provided that they have achieved a module mark of 40% or more in modules at level 6 to the value of at least 60 credits. characteristic we would advise you to mention this in your appeal. In the UK system: 70% or above is the top band of grades (a 1st) 60-69% (called a 2:1) is considered a good mark 50-60% is called a 2:2 40% is a pass (a 3rd). 5.3 EngD and Professional Doctorate students may be exempted from elements of the assessed directed learning component of their programme. delivering a modified version of the same programme; making available to affected students learning or other support and other services and facilities as it considers appropriate; delivering the programme in a different way, from another location or online, or at another time; delivering other services and facilities in a different way, from a different location or online deferring the start date for the course; and/or. A fresh examination of the thesis, normally by the original examiners, is required. Minor amendments have been made to remove general statements at 1.1 and 1.5 which dont set out specific regulations. It is your responsibility to provide all the evidence and information that you want to be considered at Table 2: Modules chosen by a final year student studying Politics, Philosophy and Economics (PPE) How is your final degree grade calculated? 3.1 Any student who anticipates that they will be unable, on religious grounds, to sit examinations or to undertake any other assessment on certain days must submit a written request to the Academic Registrar as soon as possible and by the end of week 3 of each semester, at the latest, to ensure that the circumstances can be taken into account. If you have had extenuating circumstances relating to a protected The Appeals Procedure Writing your Appeal Appeal Generator Appeal Complaints Frequently Asked Questions A student who has been awarded credit in a module will not be permitted to be re-assessed in that module to gain a higher mark. All resit exam grades will be capped at the pass mark unless you have extenuating circumstances which have been accepted by your academic school for your previous attempts. 4.4 A formal offer of study is only valid for the stated programme of study and start date. You have 14 days from receiving the decision of your Academic Appeal in which to apply for a review. If you click on the manage/submit an appeal tab on your SIMS account, Applicants wishing to defer entry for more than 12 months from the start date of the programme are required to reapply. 5.2 PhD students may be exempted from a maximum of 1 year of a full-time registration, or a maximum of 2 years of a part-time registration, if they can demonstrate that they are exceptionally prepared for the research degree programme. Part-time PhD - Change to maximum period of study from 7 to 8 years. work that is substantial in scale and a sustained contribution to knowledge; international importance and global reach; impact of the work on others in the field. If you are an Undergraduate, and have failed your second attempt at the module after the The Head of School will establish a School Education and Student Experience Committee, the Chair being the Director of Learning and Teaching, which shall report to the School Board and College Education and Student Experience Committee. limit. included and indicate when it will be provided. Role of Examining Boards - Sections 11.8 and 11.9 outlining the operation of Examining Boards has been deleted, the information combined with section 11.1 setting out role of Examining Boards. 2.2 The University will be entitled to make reasonable changes to its programmes where that will enable the University to deliver an equivalent programme or better quality of educational experience to students enrolled on the programme. 2.1An applicant for admission to a research degree programme will be required to: 2.2 A research student may formally commence their period of research on the first day of October, January, April or July, subject to the agreement of the Head of School or their nominee, or in accordance with the relevant programme information in the case of Professional Doctorates. 13.4 If a student is unwilling to accept and Aegrotat award, the Examining Board may consider, where appropriate, an exit award or may seek an appropriate extension to the student's period of study and permit the student to complete the examinations/assessments at a later time. The regulations will be kept under regular review to ensure they continue both to support internal processes to function efficiently and effectively, and to fully meet the requirements of the revised UK Quality Code for Higher Education. Cardiff University is a recognised body for awarding degrees As awarding institution INFORMATION ON THE LEVEL OF THE QUALIFICATION 3.1 Level of qualification: 3.2 Official length of programme: UG or PGT 3 Years or part-time equivalent 3.3 Access requirement(s): Please refer to 3.2 The University recognises the importance of religious observance and whilst every effort will be made to accommodate such requests, it may not be possible to meet these in all cases. Core Module: A module that all students registered on a particular programme must take. 2.9 The Head of School is responsible for: 2.10 University officers may nominate alternates to act on their behalf. how the module will be assessed, including the weighting for each element of assessment. The provider has a reliable, fair and inclusive admissions system. 10.2 The length of a standard dissertation will not exceed 20,000 words. 4.4.2. 2.7 The Academic Registrar is responsible for ensuring that all students receive information about how to register with the University each year, and that all students (except distance learning students) are issued with a Student Card. Consideration of an aegrotat award following the viva. 11.6 Where a member of staff informs a Head of School of a personal interest relating to a student, the Head of School, having consulted the Academic Registrar, shall as they deem appropriate: 11.7 Thequorum for Examining Boards will be when the Chair is satisfied that an appropriate spokesperson(s) for each module/unit of study is/are present. If you have failed an assessment you may be required to re-sit in order to progress to the next level of This provides a framework for the effective implementation of reasonable adjustments for all disabled students at Cardiff University. If approved, a revised period of registration and earliest/latest dates for the submission of the thesis will be determined on a pro-rata basis. 8.7 The University considers requests from individual students to undertake assessments, including examinations, outside Cardiff in the summer resit examination period, and in exceptional circumstances, requests from individual students to undertake assessments, including examinations, outside Cardiff at other times. 1.6 A Graduate Diploma will be the appropriate award to a student admitted with advanced standing to a Cardiff University undergraduate degree on the basis of a first degree in a cognate discipline and where the Credit requirements above have been achieved. To aid clarity or consistency of approach. 8.4 Expectations of student conduct in examination venues, and details of permitted dictionaries and calculators in examination venues are specified in the Examination Procedure. The provider engages students individually and collectively in the development, assurance and enhancement of the quality of their educational experience. However, all students must within the first two weeks of the academic year: In addition to the requirements for all students, taught students must engage with their programme and absences of 5 consecutive engagements will result in the appropriate procedure being applied. 8. The only way to challenge an incremental attempt and a capped mark is to submit an academic appeal at the end of your academic year (within 28 days of receiving your formal results trancript). If condonement is applied to modules affected by extenuating circumstances, the module will remain eligible for discounting from the award classification. close in time to the assessment, or where the student can demonstrate that the circumstances continued to have an impact on academic performance in the assessment. We provide a range of resources, including a series of detailed webpages, info-videos on appeals, and a This requirement does not prevent the issuing to the student of any relevant award which might be made in respect of study completed previously. 4.4 For students pursuing Masters programmes, the exit award must not include credits awarded for a dissertation or equivalent project. Additionally, if you want further professional, legal advice to support your appeal, you may be able to 6.3 The Policy and Procedure on the Monitoring of Research Students formally monitors a student's progress on their research degree programme. 7.2 If you display behaviour(s) that are in contravention of the Universitys Equality and Diversity or Dignity at Work and Study policies (to which all students and staff of the University are required to adhere) we reserve the right to withdraw your admission/enrolment and to terminate any contract. We aim to ensure that students, staff, visitors, and all others associated with the University are treated with dignity, respect, and equity, regardless of inappropriate distinctions such as age, disability, gender reassignment , marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy, maternity, race, religion, belief, sex, and sexual orientation (as identified under the Equality Act 2010 as protected characteristics). 2.1To be eligible to apply for a Higher Doctorate, a candidate must satisfy one of the following criteria: 3.1 Application and assessment will be in accordance with the Procedures for the Application, Submission and Assessment of Higher Doctorates. Where a Professional, Statutory, or Regulatory Body does not permit condonement, or limits the maximum amount of condonement permitted. 4.2 The oral examination (viva) forms an integral, mandatory element of the examination process. 5.1 Examining Boards, in recommending the candidate for the degree, shall certify that the thesis/research portfolio submitted meets the required criteria. accessibility for applicants and their advisors; consistent application of policy and procedure. 4.3 The candidate is invited to revise and resubmit their thesis for the award. Their core functions will include the following: .1 responsible for the Annual Review and Enhancement (ARE) of programmes/ part programmes; .2 to consider, and where appropriate advise the School Education and Student Experience Committee on, matters such as: .3to approve, and where appropriate advise the School Education and Student Experience Committee on, changes to programmes as permitted by the Programme Development Policy; .4 to advise the School Education and Student Experience Committee on proposals for new programmes or major changes to programmes; .5to advise the Head of School on applications for entry with advanced standing in line with the provisions set out in the Recognition of Prior Learning and Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning Policy.