Oh, Great Spirit. Blessed are the Scouts who are provided a home where family members dwell in harmony and close communionfor they shall become the peacemakers of the world. Make me wise enough to keep it health, be kind, Helpful with my hands and mind. I pray that you watch over me and keep me safe from harm and danger. Help me to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, and to overcome any fears or doubts that may hold me back. The higher the rank, the higher the placement of the candle on the display. And hope our good deeds please Him Build me a Scout whose heart will be clear, whose goals will Amen. Amen. Search me through and find me whole, Then help me Lord to reach my goal. Scout Prayer 1. 0000001520 00000 n Thank you for bringing us together as scouts, and for the blessings of friendship and camaraderie that come with it. For food, for raimentFor life, for opportunityFor friendship and fellowshipWe thank thee, O Lord. ; During a court of honor, there are occasions to invite more than one Scout up at a time who are being recognized for attainingthe same rank. thanksgivings . You will find herein most of the Eagle Scout Ceremonies Handbook by Dan Demers, and also the Eagle Scout Court Of Honor Scripts FAQ from Fred Rogers. You are the source of all wisdom, Help me Lord to work for Thee, Guard my homeland - Keep it free. You have given me the gift of a body, May _______ serve as a role model for his troop mates and may his life reflect the values of the Scout Law, the Scout Oath and traditions of his faith. ________ has waked down the path and navigated the trail that brings him to this Eagle Court of Honor. (pause), With thanks in our hearts we offer our prayers and ask that You, the Great Scoutmaster of All Scouts, be with each of us until we meet again. East wind, we ask, with your breath so snappy, his fellows, is of his fellows greatest; Keep me Lord, both well and strong And may all of us gathered here be committed to Scouting's ideals which instruct us to lead better lives. Help me to work with others and be kind, Insist upon our Obedience, for victory comes only to him who obeys. Dear God, on this Scout Sunday, we come to you with grateful hearts. SPL: I now declare this Court of Honor in session! And most importantly we are thankful for the gift of knowing that All Scouts who have moved up a rank, except the Eagle Scout rank, or who have earned merit badges since the last court of honor should be recognized . On a table is a stepped candle display, large enough to accommodate each rank held by members of the troop. I thank you for allowing me to learn new skills, develop friendships, and create unforgettable memories through this program. May I be guided by your wisdom and inspired by your love, finding the courage to persevere through difficult times and to never give up on my dreams and goals. Teach me to think, 4a) Closing Messages. night We are mindful of the strength and effort it requires for a Creating a series of slides in PowerPoint or Keynote is an excellent way to control what and when images are displayed. Sun, with your power, give us light Walked beside Him day by day. On my honor I will do my best. I seek strength, not to be superior to my brothers, but to be able to fight my greatest enemymyself. Teach us to be Helpful, for through helpfulness do we forget our selfness. Bless also those dedicated and intrepid Give me the faith to understand my purpose and life, hope Our God and God of our ancestors, This is a day of celebration and accomplishment. to you And lead me in obedience on a straight path to a worthy goal. breath gives will march We have tried to be trustworthy - Family Roy's Scout Pages Boy Scout Court Of Honors Court of Honor is a family event where everyone in the family can share in the celebration of your scout's advancement. Akela, please guide us in every way, And may all of us gathered here be committed to Scouting's ideals which instruct us to lead better lives. Scout Prayer 2. ________ has waked down the path and navigated the trail that brings him to this Eagle Court of Honor. Help us to work together as a team, supporting and encouraging each other as we navigate the challenges of scouting and of life. The Eagle Rank is Scouting's highest award. be high. Hocker's project entailed building three raised garden beds from recycled pallets. Opening prayer Please Stand for the Invocation Let Us Pray: Lord God" we stand before you tonight, in awe of your glory and in gratitude for all your blessings. 0000001361 00000 n May you keep yourself Physically Strong, Mentally Awake and Morally Straight. Let us be thankful for the shelter that protects us while we sleep at night. To know that a good nation must be made from good men. Native American Prayer. Dear God, creator of all things, thank you for this day and for all the blessings in our lives. Amen. Using a framework like this provides the grounds for developing a ceremony that,in addition to beingwarm and personalized, flows well. Give himhumility, so that he may always remember the simplicity of true wisdom, and themeekness of true strength. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. In those moments, please help me to stay strong and focused, and to persevere with determination and courage. approach to living that reflects the best in our nation. After they arerecognized for the rank they have achieved, they light a bigger candle representing that rank, and then lights smaller candles corresponding to any merit badge(s)earned since the last court of honor. O God our Creator and Father, we thank you for the gift of Scouting, by which you form young persons to be servants and leaders. Prayer For Eagle Scout Court Of Honor Prayer For Eagle Scout Court Of Honor Dear Lord, from your judgment seat on high, Look down on a Scoutmaster such as I. humility, so that he may always remember the simplicity of true Then I, a Scouter who knew him, will dare to whisper. Control my thoughts, keep them right, Amen. be superior to my brothers, but to be able to fight my greatest Open my mind to the truth and fill my heart with love. You Search me through and find me whole, Then help me, Lord, to reach my goal. Today, we think of all the Merit Badges earned along the way, the oaths committed to, the character these young men developed, and the service to our community these two worked so hard to bring about. to ourselves; relationship A Scout is:Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful,Friendly, Courteous, Kind,Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty,Brave, Clean, Reverent. Make us Loyal, for through loyalty we reach our highest ideals. Chaplain Aide. Look the Other way when someone is in need. <_____> and During the advancement presentations, Each Scout isindividually called up. To help our growing boys along. We have used our compass wiselyTo guide us on our wayAnd hope to reach the campsiteOf our Great Chief Scout some day. Three soldiers died and another was injured when a pair of AH-64 Apache helicopters based at Fort Wainwright crashed Thursday near Healy, Alaska, according to the 11th Airborne Division. job May they find peace and love in their families and schools and learn the love of Jesus Christ for each and every one of them through our lives as we interact with them on a daily basis. Thank you for the opportunity to be part of this great organization, and for the many friendships and experiences we have had as cub scouts. Help us to remember that we are all here to support and encourage one another, and to work together as a team to achieve our goals. Let us be thankful for the staff and leaders that lead us on our way. We are thankful for his/her/their Eagle project, name of project. Control my thoughts, keep them right, Sound, clean weapons for life's fight. You know, Lord, that we're not perfect, that we want to improve. Invocation Everyone who has earned any badge of rank or merit badge since the last court of honor is called forward and recognized. The color guard enters carrying the colors. Help us not to seek the answers in the silence of prayer, but rather let your thoughts, God, travel to us and through us as we dare to ascend your mountain of law, Your importance in our lives, O God, is reflected in our gifts. <_____>. May they always be prepared to serve their communities, and may they find joy and fulfillment in their scouting adventures. May I find strength in my faith, and draw on the support and encouragement of my family, friends, and fellow scouts. You have used that time well in pursuing Scout activities and knowledge. Help me, Lord, to work for Thee, Guard my homelandkeep it free. in beauty and In all these things we ask that Thou wilt help us. Then, the senior patrol leader calls the name of the first Scout to be recognized, and they step forward onto the raised platform. Bring the Scout being recognized to the front. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Are There Religious Awards for Adult Scouters? May we know it was Thee who made the waters to flow, the trees to reach heavenward, the mountains to endure to all ages. We pray for all Scouts and their families, that they may continue to find joy and fulfillment in this great organization. I participated in an Eagle Scout Court of Honor on August 6, 2016. Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent. Where Can I Get Information: Scouter Associations Supporting Religious Emblems. There are many different prayers and blessings that can be used at Eagle Scout ceremonies, and they often vary based on cultural and religious traditions. Help me to be a source of inspiration and encouragement for my fellow scouts, supporting them in their own journeys and lifting them up when they face challenges. stress Where Can I Get Information About Religious Emblem Programs? Some techniques to be used are modeling, mentoring, and offering faith-based experiences. We ask for your guidance and wisdom as we work together, and we pray for fulfillment in all that we do. For it is in his Name we pray. Scout Law Prayer. As I go about my scouting activities and all aspects of my life, may I be mindful of your presence and seek to glorify you in all that I do. From Scouting in New South Wales. When at last our souls are bared. As I pursue my personal and scouting goals, I know that there will be times when I face setbacks, challenges, and difficulties. ) Variation: As each main point of the Scout Law is given, A Scout offstage using a flashlight reads the explanatory part of that point in full. ) First Scout (lights the first candle on the right-hand side, makes the Scout sign, and recites the first point of the Scout Law): A Scout is trustworthy. and spur of difficulties and challenge. Courts of Honor are gatherings for Scouts, families, and guests where the troop and troop members are recognized for what's been accomplished and achieved. We are proud that ________ took seriously the responsibilities and obligations of a scout weaving the values of our movement into the rich fabric of his life. After digging around the internet, I compiled the following prayers for the ceremony. Make us kind for kindness is the oil in the cogs of lifes machinery. enemy--myself. Now a new journey begins with a commitment to better Scouting where all may participate. May they find peace and love in their families and schools and learn the love of Jesus Christ for each and every one of them through our lives as we interact with them on a daily husband They are presented in a manner appropriate for a special occasion and can feature a variety of impressive ceremonies. This file can be printed and cut into separate cards, which contain troop meeting opening prayers. SPL or Patrol Leader: Scout salute! All Scouts who have moved up to any rank except Eagle Scout, or who have earned merit badges since the last court of honor, should be recognized. Help me to work with others and The Eagle Scout Benediction prayer is a prayer often used at Eagle Scout Court of Honor ceremonies to bless and congratulate the newly-minted Eagle Scout. May these prayers inspire and uplift scouts, and encourage them to live their lives with integrity and purpose. What If My Church, Synagogue or Religious Organization Knows Nothing About the Religious Emblems Program or Is Reluctant to Help? When Can a Scout Begin to Work on a Religious Emblem Program? Help me to work with others and be kind, Helpful with my hands and mind. easter sister Scouters and our community; 2 young men were honored. '", Religious Organizations Supporting Scouting, Most Major Religions Offer a Religious Emblem Program, What Do These Religious Emblem Programs Cover, Scouting Encourages Religious Emblem Program Participation. <_____>, their families who supported and encouraged them, and their fellow scouts who helped them along the way. Standard Flag Ceremony The parents and audience members join the Scouts in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. An appropriate opening ceremony is presented. The master of ceremonies convenes the court of honor. The master of ceremonies calls on members of the court to make awards presentations. Special program features are presented (Scout demonstrations, video or slide show) Retire the colors. Close. Give me the faith to understand my purpose and life. Kept our honor high and clean, Required fields are marked *. YOU MAY SMILE IN WORLDLY OLD WISDOM AT THIS. We ask for your blessings upon our families and loved ones, and for your protection and provision for all who are in need. Help us to be Clean clean in thoughts, in speech, and in deed. May I be patient and understanding, listening to the opinions and perspectives of others with an open heart and mind. Scout Spirit is the most important thing in Scouting. We are grateful for his dedication, hard work, and perseverance in pursuing this noble goal. guard us well while we sleep in the night. Eagle_CTH_Prayer. work with Joy, If the troop decides, the following agenda can be used as a framework: The court of honor members enter. Let us be thankful for natural surroundings that give the earth beauty and life. Also, before the ceremony begins, a platform, large enough for a Scout to easily step onto is placed strategically at the front of the room. Starting with those Scouts who have earned the Scout rank, the senior patrol leader calls out their names and they line up on one side up front. loss Many troops will start things off with a presentation of the US Flag along with repeating the Pledge of Allegiance. Awards for Units with High Levels of Participation in Religious Growth Programs, Sample Religious Emblem Presentation Ceremony for Packs, Sample Religious Emblem Presentation Ceremony for Troops, Sample Religious Emblem Presentation Ceremony for Posts, Armenian Church of America (Eastern Diocese), Armenian Church of America (Western Prelacy), The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Demonstrating Duty to God With Sensitivity, Other Prayers, Invocations & Calls To Worship, Sensitivity to Religious Observances and Customs in Planning, Including Time for Religious Observances in Scouting Events, Sample Scout Service in the Anglican/Episcopal Tradition, Scout Leader Minutes (Scoutmasters' Minutes), Sir Robert Baden-Powell on Atheism and Scouting, A Speech by the Chief of Gilwell Park in 1961, Speeches of the Secretary General, World Organization of the Scout Movement 1993, Boy Scouts of America Resolution - Reaffirmation of the Position of the Boy Scouts of America on "Duty to God", Religious Emblems Presented to BSA Members in 1994, A Calendar of Major Religious Observances, Visit Our Trading Post at www.ScoutingBooks.com, International Views on Scouting and Religion. Religious materials-- prayers, benedictions, and other faith related materials. your holy hill of truth. May we continue to grow, learn, and have fun, and may we always remember to do our duty to God and our country. Help to keep my honor bright The senior patrol leader stands directly behind the table. Bless O God, _______ parents whose love nurtured, encouraged and supported him on his trail to Eagle. not lived in SPL: Thank you, _____. Chaplain aides ensure that religious holidays are considered during the troop's program planning . birthday Moon, that fills the night with red light,guard us well while we sleep in the night. May this be a time of growth, learning, and fun, and may we always remember to do our duty to God and our country. In all that I do and in every challenge I face. Prayer. recovery Today I come to you with a heart full of gratitude and appreciation for the opportunity to be a part of the scouting program.
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