This particular form of desert varnish takes 14 Skidoo Granite c. Banded Mountain and Papoose Lake members recognizable in most parts of the map area. In this new interpretation, a detachment surface tracks over the crest of the Panamint Range, rather than underneath the range, and the Black Mountains turtlebacks are megamullion structures formed as a result of strike slip. Difficulty: Moderate to Difficult Elevation Gain: 1,200 ft (366m) Also in this area, McKenna and Hodges (1990) mapped the 8.69.4 Ma Trail Canyon volcanic sequence (Fig. [12] Figure 10 is an illustration of the evolution of Death Valley. Cross sections in Figures 6, 8, and 9 are labeled A, B, and C. APAguereberry Point; ARArgus Range; BWBadwater; BMBlack Mountains; CCCopper Canyon; CHConfidence Hills; CMCottonwood Mountains; DPDarwin Plateau; DVDeath Valley; EMEagle Mountain; FMFuneral Mountains; FPFuneral Peak; GMGrapevine Mountains; GRGreenwater Range; HCHanaupah Canyon; HMHunter Mountain; IRInyo Range; KRKingston Range; MPMormon Point; NDFZNorthern Death Valley fault zone; NRNopah Range; PRPanamint Range; PVPanamint Valley; SDFZSouthern Death Valley fault zone; TBTecopa Basin; TCTrail Canyon; TMTucki Mountain; TPTelescope Peak. In NTS area, unit is from 700 to 1,150 m thick, about 600 m thick in the Montgomery Mountains, and 640 to 820 m thick in the northwest Spring Mountains. *3 Members* In the lower, cherty member there are Halysites, Favosites, Syringopora, rugose corals, articulate brachiopods, conodonts, and crinoid debris. Above this unit is an upper crinoidal limestone, which was deposited on an offshore bar or bank. Contact with overlying Bonanza King Formation is commonly marked by a change from slope-forming yellowish-weathering limestone of the Carrara to more massive cliff-forming limestone and dolomite of the Bonanza King formation. b. Holocene+Pleistocene= Fan gravel; silt and salt on floor of playa, less than 100 feet thick. a. This formation contains one of the best stratigraphically documented trilobite faunas in North America. As shown in Figure 7, these rocks are found in the footwall of detachments elsewhere in the Death Valley region and their greenschist-grade metamorphism in the Panamint Range (Labotka and Albee, 1990) is also consistent with deep burial and subsequent exhumation like at these other detachments. c. Includes (from top to base) Smoky, Halfpint, and Dunderberg Shale members. Two hours after sundown, walk 30 minutes into the Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes outside Stovepipe Wells. Booming Dunes: For reasons not yet fully understood, sand sliding down the slipface of a dune can produce booming noises at startling volumes. Hunt and Mabey (1966) recognized this structure and correlated it with the Amargosa Thrust of Noble (1941). Contains basalt, alluvial and lacustrine deposits and vertebrate trace fossils in the lacustrine strata (e.g. This older faulting is interpreted as the final phase of Basin and Range extension in the area (Louie et al., 1992; Calzia and Rm, 2000). Artist's Drive rises up to the top of an alluvial fan fed by a deep canyon cut into the Black Mountains. Lower contact with Eurkeka Quartzite is major disconformity; upper contact with Laketown Dolomite (Silurian) in eastern park of quadrangle is disconformable, in western part of quadrangle, upper contact with Hidden Valley Dolomite reported as gradational and conformable. The 3 Ma restoration is shown in two phases for convenience. 6) is an antiformal structure formed by arching of the exposed detachment surface; I suggest that this arching also forms the rest of the Panamint Range, making the entire range a core complex. A few scattered olenellid trilobites and archaeocyathids in upper part of formation. 27 Eureka Quartzite (1999) relate this fault system to the pull-apart fault system that Burchfiel and Stewart (1966) postulated in their model for formation of Death Valley. The Paleozoic extensional allochthons are located above this duplex. doi: c. Widely exposed in map area. Hornblende quartz monzonite with variations. Most of the so-called 'sailing stones' are from a nearby high hillside of dark dolomite on the south end of the playa. This idea has been incorporated into several models for the structural evolution of Death Valley. Box 579 It should not be confused with an actual golf course in Furnace Creek, also in Death Valley. The end result of these forces was the formation of marble that was smoothed over thousands of years by wind and water. Other historic charcoal kilns in the United States include the Cottonwood Charcoal Kilns at Owens Lake, the Piedmont Charcoal Kilns in Wyoming, and the Walker Charcoal Kiln in Arizona. Pliocene-Oligocene b. Thick-bedded, fine-grained, and even-grained dolomite, mostly light color. The salt in the Devil's Golf Course consists of the minerals that were dissolved in the lake's water and left behind in the Badwater Basin when the lake evaporated. Stromatoporoids. Concentrically structured algal ovoids, columnar and branching stromatolites, Girvanella trilobites, and trace fossils of: Planolites, Cruziana, Rusophycus. 1 Alluvial fan and lacustrine deposits Group is about 410 m thick in the Dry Mountain area of the Cottonwood Mountains, 384 m thick in the Panamint Range, 320 m thick in the Nopah Range, 360 to 700 m thick in the Spring Mountains and souther Sheep Range, 957 m thick in the Pahrangat Range, and 1,050 m in NTS area. The NevadaCalifornia state line is labeled NV/CA. Death Valley National Park CA, NV Mosaic Canyon Topographic map (600kb PDF) for Mosaic Canyon NPS - Dan Kish Distance: 4 mi (6.4km) out and back, round trip. 4) contains some useful timing information. From these data, Hunt and Mabey (1966) assume that about a third of the fill [of Death Valley] is Quaternary and that the rest is Tertiary (Hunt and Mabey, 1966, p. A72). a. In just a few million years, during Late Miocene to Pliocene time, older rocks were intensely faulted and sheared. Cambrian [8] Endemic species include the Eureka Dune Grass, the Eureka Evening Primrose and the Shining Locoweed. It is located in the Basin and Range extensional province (Sonder and Jones, 1999; Burchfiel et al., 1992), in the Walker Lane belt (Stewart, 1988), and also in the Eastern California Shear Zone (ECSZ; Dokka and Travis, 1990a). This third event folded the layered Precambrian and Cambrian sedimentary rocks. These consist of sediments of the Pahrump Group, Noonday Dolomite, and Johnnie Formation, along with some outcrops of Proterozoic basement (Fig. CA Der Death-Valley-Nationalpark (Anhren? The Basin and Range is characterized by block faulting and, in areas of large-magnitude extension like Death Valley, by exhumation of middle and lower crustal level rocks in core complexes (Davis, 1980; Armstrong, 1982; Stewart, 1998; Dickinson, 2002). At ca. This interpretation is similar to one shown by Hunt and Mabey (1996) in a cross section near Hanaupah Canyon (their fig. This two-stage structural evolution of extensional faulting followed by strike slip is also seen in the Panamint Valley (Andrew and Walker, 2009) and, north of the Inyo Range, in the White Mountains (Stockli et al., 2003) and central Walker Lane belt (Oldow et al., 2008). Wind, water, and plate tectonics are still hard at work shaping the park on a day-to-day basis. The Bat Mountain Formation is an interlayered conglomerate and sandstone section found at the east end of the Funeral Mountains (Fig. Mosaic Canyon: Dolomite! Cambrian Figure 6 is a cross section constructed from the data in Figures 2 and 4, approximately along the line illustrated by Hunt and Mabey (1966), profile A in Figures 4 and 5. Erosion over the millennia since the eruption revealed multi-colored stripes on the crater walls dating to the Miocene. This fuel was then transported to mines in The Argus Range, 25 miles to the west, to feed smelting and ore extraction operations. LCSLittle Chief Stock (10.6 Ma granite; Hodges et al., 1990). per group (up to 4) Small Group Guide Tour: Death Valley Day Tour with Sunset and stars Viewing. These age estimates are very uncertain, but do indicate that the bulk of the fill of Death Valley could be Pliocene and younger, i.e., postBasin and Range extension (Fig. *2 Members* light-colored, cliff forming quarzite -Emigrant Pass Member and Resting Spring Member nearshore and foreshore deposits containing ichnofossils (e.g. The Amargosa Chaos is a series of geological formations located in the Black Mountains in southern Death Valley. Adventure Tours. The Black Mountains were elevated as a result of footwall uplift, with the well-known turtleback structures being megamullions along these bounding faults. By far the largest national park in the contiguous United States, more than 90% of Death Valley's 3.3 million acres are protected as a designated Wilderness Area. The scale of this core complex, 3040 km wide by 60 km long with an amplitude of 4 km, is larger than other well-known core complexes like the Snake Range and Whipple core complexes (Block and Royden, 1990). The ghost town of Ballarat had 400 residents at the turn of the 20th century when mines were active in the area. To understand more about structural evolution of Death Valley, it is useful to consider the area's position in relation to structural provinces that have been defined in western North America. 3). a. (Blair and Raynolds, 1999); (4) although there are angular unconformities within these formations, there are no data such as progressive tilt (Snow and Lux, 1999) to suggest that they were deposited in active grabens. American Scientist. b. Further south, between the Copper Canyon and Mormon Point turtlebacks, the Mormon Point Formation is also in fault contact with basement rocks, in this case the Mormon Point turtleback (Hayman, 2006; MP, Fig. Geosphere 2011;; 7 (1): 171182. Death Valley is a pull-apart basin, as originally proposed by Burchfiel and Stewart (1966), formed in the last 3 m.y. Highly fossiliferous shale member 100 feet thick at base, upper 1 200 feet is dolomite in thick alternating black and light hands about 100 feet thick. Adding another day to your visit to Death Valley helps to balance out the long drive to and from Las Vegas. Death Valley is a playground for geology enthusiasts, maybe even more like a Mecca. Tin Mountain Limestone 1000 feet thick, is black with thin-bedded lower member and thick-bedded upper member. Widely distributed fusilinids. These events include exhumation of the detachment surfaces now exposed in the Black Mountains (Holm et al., 1992; Holm and Dokka, 1993) and, outside Death Valley, extension in the Cottonwood Mountains (Snow and Lux, 1999), the Inyo Range (Lee et al., 2009), and the Kingston PeakTecopa Basin area (Calzia and Rm, 2000). Banded Mountain Member generally is light- to dark-gray, fine- to medium crystalline dolomite and limestone, alternating light- to dark-gray colors of beds give the member a distinctive banded appearance.
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