NTg4NGIwYWIxNmFiYTBlZTVkMjY5NGQ0MmU5OGE4MDU3NDllYjNjM2MwODAz Breakfast (6:3010:30 a.m.): offerings include bagels, waffles, yogurt, fruit and traditional hot breakfast. 10 a.m. - 3p.m., Monday through Friday. Hours: Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. 5:45 p.m. Services: For blood tests, urinalysis Not sure when it's going to reopen. Most notably, the Fresh Food Caf is now Hopkins Caf, and new environmental graphics have been installed there, as well as in the Levering Kitchens and Charles Street Market locations. The hospital contains nine other eateries beyond the footprint of the cafeteria. Tamis est un outils mis votre disposition pour vous faire connatre et faire connatre des professionnels spcialiss dans le trouble autistique. Diners will enjoy new atmospheres and menu options, as well as strategic enhancements to behind-the-scenes operations that will bring Hopkins Dining more closely in line with the university's overarching values. Si vous tes en Terminale, "We have long term goals to achieve, but our priorities for this first year of operations are to build our team, innovate in our use of technology, and upgrade our menus and our spaces. Open MondayThursday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Made-to-order sushi is available in the Cobblestone Caf seating area from 11 am.-4 p.m. seven days a week. Vous trouverez dans le tableau ci-dessous toutes les coordonnes des Pour Access Email, Canvas, SIS, and other tools. ZjBjNmU4MTk0N2RlN2FkYzg5M2M3YmNjNmNiY2MyNzQ4MzNhMmQ3NjViNmVh Johns Hopkins Animal-assisted Therapy can provide comfort, reduce pain and distress, and facilitate healing. O trouver cette information ? Located at 2001 East Monument Street at Washington Street. and others) as we used shared equipment to store, prepare MDUwYzgzODk3NDJlODNlZGU2ZDE0YTNiYmU1NzdiYjkyOTJjZmM5Y2YyMDQ1 noter que l'attribution des places pour les inscriptions se fait aussi par Nanmoins, la vue du nombre des Tagliata offers the largest wine list in Baltimore with bottles from around the world & a focus on Italian wines. Mon enfant a 4 ans et je trouve quil a des signes autistiques. ZDY0Y2Q2ZGY4MmQ2MGE4MjJmNDcwMGU4NGU1OTU4MWEyYmEyMWJjZDg0NGE3 Depuis 2003, lEFS Ile-de-France est engag dans une politique dassurance qualit qui dpasse le cadre des activits transfusionnelles. Free wireless Internet service is available throughout the hospital and in all patient rooms. "But I especially love cooking for my Hopkins football players," she says with a smile. The food is very good for a hospital cafeteria. donc normalement accder l'universit. NmI5MzE2OTQyNjNlYWQ2YTc5ODNjMWIwNzZlMTY5YjVlMDNkMGFkNmZiMWQ1 The Johns Hopkins Hospital Open Cafeteria We provide a convenient food service for patients staying in the hospital. Restaurant and cafe dining is not your only option. There is no additional fee for using Grubhub. The JHGuestnet wireless network is for use by the hospitals guests and visitors. rapport au classement des voeux sur APB. Vaccines & Boosters | Testing | Visitor Guidelines | Coronavirus. Inclusion, Diversity, Anti-Racism, and Equity (IDARE), To find more information, visitthis link. If you need help finding someone legally empowered to witness signatures and certify a document, contact Patient and Guest Services at 410-614-5100. Youll find ATMs, which honor most national banks, in the following locations: Licensed pharmacists at our retail pharmacies are part of the patient care team at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. ZjU2ZmViYjIxOTRkZTc5YjM1YmVlYmRmNDFiYWUyYTA2ZTEwYzY2OTBlMmVk SNAP is a county food benefits program formerly known as food stamps. This program is meant to provide ongoing access to nutritious food through monthly benefits. IFSI du CHI de Poissy / Saint-Germain-en-Laye. cursus licence. ZWZjZDVmMTE1Y2M1MzczOGEzYjZiM2IwMTVmZjkxZTc5MDBiMTg0ZmY5OTJh sont inscrits en 1re anne de licence l'universit (hors IUT). They offer consultations on each prescription. les lycens parisiens sont prioritaires sur les universits parisiennes. They have a new menu and new choices of entrees. les demandes d'admission se feront sur dossier (notes du BAC, L1,L2 - CV et 7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday Interaction with specially trained therapy animals can support the health and well-being of children and adults. See individual restaurants for opening/closing times. Image caption: Janice Walker, a cashier, has worked for more than 40 years at Hopkins Dining. One hotdog is 8$, and uncooked hamburger is 13$. View our selection of menus available at The Library restaurant at Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital. Journe nationale PCPE-ples de comptences et de prestations externalises, Crer du lien : Des programmes efficaces pour les enfants TSA travers une intervention prcoce l'inclusion russie dans les coles et la transition positive vers l'ge adulte. Dine-in and take out In Saras Garden, kids can simply be kids. There are a variety of food options both on- andoff-campus. Les accrditations par le Cofrac (Comit franais daccrditation) de nos laboratoires dimmuno-hmatologie, lEFI (European Federation for Immunogenetics), pour lactivit dhistocompatibilit et le Jacie (Joint Accreditation Committee of ISCT-Europe) pour lactivit de greffes de moelle osseuse apportent la garantie du niveau dexcellence atteint par lEFS. FROM PENNSYLVANIA TOWSON PIKESVILLE BALTIMORE CITY CATONSVILLE PARKVILLE ESSEX FROM NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA 40 40 1 45 2 295 147 703. Located at 1812 Ashland Avenue. Vendors include Baja Fresh, Einstein Bros Bagels, Flamer's Charbroiled Grill, Noble Roman's, & Subway Located on the ninthfloor of the Wolfe Street building. Monday to Friday with limited weekend selections. tes la recherche d'informations sur les universits, sur les grandes Hopkins Dining is also employing Touchwork's TxtandTell technology to collect diner feedback and comments. This service is available throughout the country and resources change within each county. OTVmYTM3ODcxNTJmNTI5ZDQxYWMxOThhNGY5NjQzNWI4YjY2ZWU0ZjdiMjU4 Le sige de l'EFS Ile-de-France est situ Ivry-sur-Seine, et 30 sites sont implants dans la rgion. Formerly Ledo's Pizza. Open MondayFriday, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Category: Support Services (Services/Trades) Schedule: Day Shift. "We want to create spaces and environments where students want to socialize, gather, and create communityto have that collective undergraduate and graduate experience.". eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiMjcyZDg4ZmQzN2M1N2UzMGRjZmY3MzhiY2NhNDllMmEz YzkxMmQ3ZTY4ZGJkYTBmNzI5OTgyOGE2MWNhNDM2NWJhNWRjNmE0MDRmMGMx Located on the 2nd floor of the Bloomberg School Wolfe Street buildingOffers coffee, specialty coffee, breakfast, lunch and snacks7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, Located on the 9th floor of the Bloomberg School Wolfe Street buildingOffers breakfast, lunch and snacks8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through FridayVending machines available 24 hours, Located on the 1st floor of Hampton HouseOffers breakfast and lunch7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Why cant we get good treatment and good food. Send job. Call 410-955-6442 for more information. Y2FhMmVjMjZiYmRkM2Q3YzNjNTYzMTMyNWFmNTFlNWJmYmJlYTI4ZWI2NDdi Pizza.Salad.Wings and more. En cliquant sur une universit, Located in the Zayed Tower Arcade, this gourmet food cafe specializes in prepared foods, meats, cheeses, baked goods, premium coffee and gift baskets. votre situation (lycen ou dj tudiant). ZjdmYmI3NjcyMTk0YTYyMmNjMjU4M2RmZTA1NWNkNmYzNWVmMTkwNTE1MDI3 Located at 624 North Broadway on the firstfloor of Hampton House autoris s'inscrire par l'universit d'accueil). galement mettre l'accent sur un domaine prcis comme l'histoire du cinma The Greens Project only accepts credit, debit or gift cards and mobile pay. Dining halls across Homewood and Peabody have also undergone renovations and rebranding to reflect the new look and feel of the Hopkins Dining program. You can use these benefits to buy groceries as well as prepared food wherever EBT is accepted. Vendors sell produce, deli sandwiches, seafood, pizza, and more. Your eligibility will depend on several factors, including residency status, income, as well as part-time/full-time enrollment in school. Renovations will begin at the end of this year. They cook and prepare food without hair nets, clean the counters with dirty rags, and . Located inside the Cobblestone Caf on the main floor of The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baja Fresh offers a variety of Southwestern items, including burritos, tacos, quesadillas and salads. ODI1MDBhMTE5MzEzZTBlMThjZTMwZWZkNWU2OTI1ZDM2ODgxMThkMGM4ZTVk He brings 21 years of leadership experience with Aramark and Levy Restaurants, where he oversaw food operations at convention centers, universities and even the 2008 Beijing Olympics. travers ses centres de soins, ses laboratoires et son Unit dingnierie et de thrapie cellulaire (UITC) Crteil, lEFS Ile-de-France assure des activits thrapeutiques en lien avec les tablissements de sant. MTRkMWQ5NjJkZGE1OTQwZmE1NWExNGJmY2I3MjY0ZjQwY2Y0ZTllZTg5MzMw The restaurants at The Johns Hopkins Hospital offer a fresh, convenient way to refuel during your visit. FOOD ALLERGY? Reflection and spiritual conversation are an essential part of the health care environment. Services: Pheresis, transfusions In the hospital cafeteria alone, there are six eateries, including Baja Fresh, which offers Southwestern items such as burritos, tacos, quesadillas and salads. A master plan for a second renovation of this caf is underway; the new project will be focused on multipurpose space, so the caf can remain open 24/7 to provide good food choices for visitors and staff. (Licence Histoire de l'art parcours Histoire du cinma Paris 1). The main cafeteria was just shut down and flamers should have been shut down and removed. The Johns Hopkins Hospital provides a few healing gardens designed to promote rest and recovery. FOOD ALLERGY? Ourspiritual care and chaplaincy teamincludes a Protestant minister, Catholic priest, Jewish rabbi, Buddhist priest, Muslim imam and a Hindu pandit. In Cobblestone Caf (one next to the main entrance bythe post office, another next to Umami Sushi), Across from the Chevy Chase Bank Auditorium, near the ATM, Behind the security desk in the Charlotte R. Bloomberg Childrens Center, Next to Grand Grounds in the Johns Hopkins Outpatient Center, Inside SkylineCaf on the top floor of the Skip Viragh building. As a research and teaching hospital, we offer the best in pediatric medicine. Located at 2101 East Monument Street. Greek eats and other casual fare. The university's self-operated dining model provides the dining team the flexibility and independence to make such strategic vendor selections. qui demande son admission dans une L1 l'universit est cens obtenir Expanded hands-on training helps students, nurses, and doctors save lives and safeguard patients health. . To mail a card or package to a patient, please use the address below: [Patient's Name] Il satisfait prs de 20% des besoins nationaux en produits sanguins labiles et dveloppe des activits de recherche, de soins et de laboratoire, en lien troit avec les tablissements de sant de la rgion. 1970 - The groundbreaking for the new Columbia Medical Center takes place. Grocery shopping is a skill like anything else, and its one worth developing. The Library Restaurant will offer a reprieve from the daily chaos. OWIxZGY4NmQzZTZmOTE5MzBjZDRmZDE3NGUwNjQ0ODA0YjRjYjQxOGMxOGVi Nous vous fournissons aussi un accs aux fiches I don't hate it. They are located in the Hopkins Zayed Tower and Bloomberg Childrens Tower. Johns Hopkins Hospital Recipes Grocery Location Information 1800 Orleans St Baltimore, MD 21287 Store Phone: (443) 687-7659 Get Directions Store Hours Location Services Apply Now! NjE1Y2VhZWU2NDllMTg2NGEzNDVkMTQzMzRmYjM1ODU5ODhmM2ZkYjg5YmQ0 Ces accrditations favorisent aussi linsertion de ltablissement dans les rseaux de sant europens et internationaux. The Music for a While program aims to lift spirits and reduce stress for patients, visitors, and hospital staff, enhancing the environment of care at Johns Hopkins Medicine. Quels outils et mthodes dintervention ? Universit Paris Ouest Nanterre La Dfense, Universit Paris Est Crteil Val de Marne, Universit Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines. votre orientation post bac, n'hesitez pas nous contacter pour tre aid Menu. Prestations. Staff need good customer care, nutrition and caring just like what we are to offer the patients. "When you have a corporate partner running your dining program, you're driven by financial considerations and make decisions based on your budget," says Matthew Moss, the inaugural assistant vice provost for dining programs, who joined Johns Hopkins last fall to help facilitate the changeover to a self-operated model. All of the food is high! This space, made possible through the generosity of the Seraph Foundation, is available during the opening hours of the Skip Viragh Building. Image caption: Deborah Drumgole at the deli counter prepares fresh, made-to-order sandwiches. Although the farm is not Baltimore-based, its practices make a significant impact on the local environment. satisfaction. Diners can then filter these digital menus based on dietary and nutritional needs and make informed dining decisions based on how the places pour accueillir favorablement toutes les demandes d'admission. The College SNAP Projectis a SNAP benefits application for college students. Cobblestone Caf Baja Fresh Future planned Starbucks locations include the Johns Hopkins Outpatient Center and Weinberg. Don't forget to check out our monthly and seasonal promotions! Our Lost & Found office is open 24 hours a day. Contact Us Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital 501 6th Avenue South St. Petersburg, FL 33701 727-767-8299 800-456-4543 (toll free) Be a part of a team that does amazing things every day. restaurantguru.com takes no responsibility for availability of the Johns Hopkins Hospital Cafeteria menu on the website. Call 410-955-5588 or visit us in the Harvey Building, Room 109. NzRkOWViMzE2MmNjODNlYTg5NzNlM2ZmZWEyOGVjMjdkZTYwODQ4YTkzZTgw You can access resources for potential assistance with food, housing, utilities, legal information, and more through the website or by dialing 211.On the Food section under Resources, you can information regarding food pantries, food distributions, food vouchers, and other food resources by inputting your zip code. Explorez et donnez votre avis sur le nouveau site de la Maison de l'Autisme ! Located at 1831 Ashland Avenue. Unfortunately, we cannot sell sides separately. Credit: Will Kirk / Johns Hopkins University. OWM3Zjk1MjgzNjY2M2U1MjdhNTRkOTU3MzNhZDUxNTBmOGJmOTkxNTUwZTA1 "For highly driven individuals, like those at Johns Hopkins, food can become viewed as a necessity," Moss says. 1. 410-955-5299, Nelson Harvey Building -----BEGIN REPORT----- Our dining program includes gluten-free, nut-free, trans-fat-free, vegan- and vegetarian-friendly, and kosher-friendly options. 1971 - Columbia Hospital & Clinics Foundation is formed.. 1973 July 9 - The Columbia Hospital and Clinics Foundation, Inc., opens its doors as a 59-bed, short-stay . Send job. 727-898-7451. particulier o les procdures d'admission se font de manire slective IFSI du CHI de Meulan-les-Mureaux. The George Peabody Library is an institute built for, and dedicated to, the citizens of Baltimore in 1857. Mon-Fri, 8:30am-4:30pm Download the complete list of the Top 100 noncommercial operators. Je cherche les coordonnes dune psychologue en libral. Johns Hopkins UniversitySchool of Nursing525 N. Wolfe StreetBaltimore, Maryland 21205410-955-4766. Located at 1835 Ashland Avenue. We are proud to be your catering service provider. One hotdog is 8$, and uncooked hamburger is 13$. If you would like to have a medical interpreter throughout your appointment, please see LanguageServices for more information. YTlhMjRiNGZkOWMxZDNlNWI5M2IyMmY4ZTBhMzkwNDFhMmIyNjBjZmRlM2Q5 Important Phone Numbers for . Most guests note that the staff is friendly at this place. La France compte 83 universits publiques, dont 17 uniquement Paris et Johns Hopkins has launched a new dining program that the university itself will operate, providing greater flexibility and control over operations at dining locations on the Homewood and Peabody campuses. En 2010, prs de 175,000 nouveaux bacheliers dont 55 % des bacheliers gnraux . Grab & Go Meals Salads Sandwiches Maximize your savings with the Balduccis Deals & Delivery app! universits de Paris et d'Ile de France. There are three Grand Grounds locations on the Johns Hopkins campus. Dining, Services and Amenities at The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Johns Hopkins Outpatient Center (JHOC) Pharmacy, Click on the Wifi icon or find Wifi settings on your device, Next, launch your web browser (if it does not pop up automatically) and enter your email address (, Nelson/Harvey lobby across from the Gift Shop. Ltablissement dveloppe une culture du don fonde sur lanonymat, le volontariat et le bnvolat, et tentede mobiliser les Franciliens pour quils donnent rgulirement. "It's really important for the community to understand that we've stood up the dining program quickly, but it's going to be an evolving process," Moss says. Stamps are available for purchase on weekdays. Orientation Carrire vous propose ses Located at 2000 Orleans Street at Washington Street. Dining options range from a quick cup of coffee and grab-and-go meals to gourmet soups, salads, and entrees. 1800 Orleans St. Located in the Zayed Tower Arcade. The legend provides additional access details. Afghani restaurant. souhaite pour connatre la procdure suivre (il faut effectuer une May 10 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm. NWY4MjdhMTA3ODRlNzVjNTJiOGVlMDliYWE5OGZkNDdiYjk1OGRkZWI5MTgz 01 43 21 86 15. Located inside the Cobblestone Caf on the main floor of The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Subway offers submarine sandwiches on freshly baked breads, sandwich and bread specialty products, childrens packs and freshly baked cookies. Mieux connaitre les structures et dispositifs, https://www.craif.org/le-centre-de-documentation-98. Using the integrative Nutrislice foodservice technology, Johns Hopkins chefs will be able to update their menus as the food itself is prepared, and those changes will be automatically pushed to menus on the app. Operated by The Womens Board of The Johns Hopkins Hospital, each shops proceeds are used to purchase equipment and fund special projects for the hospital. Schedule: Rotating Shift. Open daily, 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. Every Monday the hospital's renovated Cobblestone Caf now offers only vegetarian meal options at its "Wellness Corner" to promote the benefits of eating more grains, fruits and vegetables. Lycens Etudiants Professionnels Articles Test Contact . Visit the store website for hours. The Bunting Family Interfaith Chapel, located on the main level in the Arcade. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. Grand Grounds Coffee Bars Two convenient locations: Outpatient Center and Zayed-Bloomberg to Nelson/Harvey Corridor Click for map to all Women's Board businesses. - Fri., 7:00 am - 3:00 pm Phone: 410-955-1762 Bloomberg Currently closed Nelson/Harvey Corridor Phone: 410-955-3215 Submit your order. Abonnez-vous la newsletter et tenez-vous inform de toute notre actualit. ZDQwMzdkNDMyODZlMDBmMmU0MGE5ODA1OGZkZGFjMjA2NDhmMzk1N2VkYWU4 c2lnbmF0dXJlIjoiODA0MGVhY2FlYThmOGU4MjllODFjOWEzZjQ5OGE5MmYx Order your waffles (they take only three minutes to cook) and other breakfast options ahead on Grubhub. 211is a community resource hub available to Maryland residents. It's this latter technology component that will help inform how the Hopkins Dining program evolves. In addition, wheelchair lifts can help transfer patients from their car to a wheelchair. Pour Programs are short, informal, and accessible to all. The hospital contains nine other eateries beyond the footprint of the cafeteria. MDEyNGU1OGNmOGQ1ODc3OTFkZjViOTQ4MWUyNGUyZjE5MTllYmNmYjMyMzU0 Located on the second floor of the Wolfe Street building. Order catering without ever leaving your desk. Caf Grill Tourn vers lavenir et conscient des potentialits de la mdecine transfusionnelle, lEFS le-de-France dveloppe des projets innovants de recherche clinique et translationnelle dans les domaines de la thrapie cellulaire et de limmunohmatologie. Outpatient Center Coffee Bar & Gift Shop Mon. Located on the ground level of the Koch Cancer Research Building II, this coffee bar features kosher food options. The Food Pantry works in partnership with the Maryland Food Bank to ensure JHU affiliates have the opportunity to succeed. Drop off your mail, purchase stamps and weigh your packages at the postal service center on the main level of the Nelson/Harvey Building. Directions to the . 410-955-5299, Outpatient Center, Level 1 Location: Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Baltimore, MD 21201. Grade 52. Cafeteria Team Members: Please visit the JPS intranet to view the weekly cafeteria menu. proposent la licence que vous visez. Fearing retaliation, a Johns Hopkins employee is asking FOX45 not identify her as she speaks out about alleged unsanitary and unsafe conditions inside one of the hospital's cafeterias. Call: 410-955-1688 Click hereto see the schedule (JHED login required). Some conditions we specialize in: Diabetes Seizures utilizing the ketogenic diet Multiple GI conditions Poor weight gain and failure to thrive Obesity/Overweight Food allergies and/or intolerances Sports nutrition To schedule an appointment, please call us at 727-767-4835. The university's new dining model builds on Bon Appetit's emphasis on seasonal and locally grown produce and more closely aligns with the university's institutional values of sustainability and supporting local businesses. ODFjZTVjNjY2OTYxYjA5MTI5ZWNiYmVhMjYxNDk2MTY5MjE0MDcwNmYyNDQ4 Contact Us Hopkins Dining 3510 N Charles St AMR I Ground Level Baltimore, MD 21218 Tel: 410-516-3383 dining@jhu.edu Hours Ce dpartementcomprend galement la Banque nationale de sang de phnotype rare (BNSPR). cette fin, ltablissement conoit et met en uvre une stratgie de communication et de promotion du don destine sensibiliser, recruter et fidliser les donneurs, prenant appui sur une gestion toujours plus affine de la relation avec le donneur. Select your menu Feeding others is a passion for Moon, who takes the lead preparing meals at home, too. Open 24 hours a day. Meditation rooms are located at: Natural settings can provide a counterbalance to the stresses faced by patients and their families. Pickup is in the lockers nearby. of foodborne illness, especially if you have certain medical The restaurants at The Johns Hopkins Hospital offer a fresh, convenient way to refuel during your visit. En France, la voie universitaire est de loin la plus attractive. Open Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m. Reach out to the Office of Student Life at bsph-studentlife@jhu.edu. Guest trays can be ordered for $10/meal. Avoid the line by placing your order on the Grubhub app. Welcome to our online catering system! licences proposes dans des domaines trs varis. I-695 I-170 I-97 I-895 I-695 695 I-795 I-695. While the dining options in Baltimore are endless, the eateries below are conveniently located near campus. ZDMyMmIwMWY4OGYxODY4YjE2NzZlOGFjNWY0NmYwNmExMDM4NDZlOWM4MjM4 Open 6 a.m.8 p.m., MondayFriday in the Cobblestone Caf food court area. Take care of your eyewear needs without leaving the hospital. Hours: Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. 3:30 p.m. Call (866) 821-5552 to learn more orapply online. This place is the worse! Located at 700 North Broadway, across from Hampton House. Located on the 1st floor of the School of NursingOffers breakfast, lunch and snacks7:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Friday, Located on the 1st floor of the hospitalOffers breakfast, lunch and dinner5 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday6 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, Located on the 1st floor of the hospitalCafeteria and food court offering breakfast, lunch and dinner. Lunch (11 a.m.2 p.m.): options include a build-your-own salad station with 40-plus toppings and house-made dressings, as well as our Chefs Table offering (daily meal special paired with fruit). Y2RhYTQzNzM4MWZjOTkwNWJlZDc4OTAzNWY5OGFhYTVmZDYxYzA3NTkzY2Q0 Johns Hopkins Health System and its affiliates are an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action employers. lemon myrtle infused olive oil recipe,
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