The identified areas minus any special use areas shall be measured to calculate the square footage available for child care. Under the guidelines of providing legal care, submitting necessary forms, and passing background checks, you will be able to receive payments at the License-exempt rate from IL DHS to care for children who are receiving state assistance. Rule 407, Licensing Standards for Day Care Centers DATE: March 10, 2022 TO: All DCFS Day Care Licensing Staff and Licensed Day Care Centers FROM: Marc D. Smith, Director EFFECTIVE: Immediately I. endobj Must be at least 19 and have a high school diploma or equivalency certificate (GED) and 60 semester hours of credit from an accredited college or university, including 6 semester hours in courses directly related to child care and/or child development (birth to 6 years) or 1 year (1560 clock hours) child development experience in a nursery school, kindergarten or licensed day care center and 30 semester hours of credits from an accredited college or university, including 6 semester hours in courses directly related to child care and/or child development or a Child Development Associate credential. Regulation. In this case, they will have two age range capacities of 20 (sum of 40) but a total capacity of 20. The barrier must be one that has been commercially produced for this purpose and should not impede the staffs ability to supervise the children during nap time. Exit doors must be kept clear of equipment and debris at all times; A safe and sanitary water supply shall be maintained. If you wish to use space away from where you and your family live, you must seek licensure as a daycare center. endobj 0000000016 00000 n FACILITIES AND PROGRAMS EXEMPT FROM LICENSING. Training created by Gateways to Opportunity is also Registry-approved. 8713, effective June 15, 1984; amended at 8 Ill. Reg. Plan for DAILY self-certified symptom screenings. Baby Safe Haven Law Information ; Day Care Information; Health and Safety Tips for Children; Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect; Protecting Children from Domestic Violence This number reflects total capacity for all children 0 through 5. Reported/Referred to Other Agency (State/Municipal/Federal) Suspend Adoption Services (CWA providing adoption services only) A Substantiated violation was corrected while the . hb```b``Me`c``bd@ AG6VqS !H2PIVk.|3;O3mFCQn>`V9`J PNZZZ4gRNvED3ebp`ay&El91gNm`0Qc YiB hb`pga~c+9mg`|e`40 Fx 136 0 obj Adult supervision, in accordance with the child/staff ratio requirements, must be provided at all times during indoor or outdoor activities. Safe Kids. at Illinois Department of Children & Family Services in Mount Vernon, Illinois, United States Job Description Location: Mount Vernon, IL, US, 62864-8175. The home must have been tested for radon within the last three years. Referred for Enforcement: Administrative Order of Closure. 131 0 obj Plan to provide PPE for staff and children, including a minimum supply list and plan for replenishing. endobj Source of definition: Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) If nitrate content exceeds 10 parts per million, bottled water must be used for children under 15 months of age; Portable space heaters may not be used during hours that child care is provided; A basement may only be used for child care if the license lists the basement as an area where care can be provided. Please note that the links to training by DCFS are not managed or maintained by the Gateways i-learning System and the . Note on full-day and half-day sessions: Child care centers report capacity by individual sessions. 129 0 obj Standards below are best practice and should be followed in response to the COVID- 19 pandemic. Forms for Children in Licensed Care: CFS 428 Application/Record of Child Information; CFS 593 Consents to Day Care Providers; CFS 600 Certificate of Child Health Exam; CFS 1050-51 Summary of Licensing Standards for Day Care Homes Please check for updates before relying on previously downloaded printed documents. Sessions that are not used for such determination (e.g., summer only, before-and-after-school care, weekend care) are not included in the data. In the event that handguns and/or other firearms and ammunition are stored on the premises, parents or guardians must be notified; Swimming pools located in areas accessible to children must be fenced and secured with a locked gate; Healthy household pets, that present no danger to children, are permitted. This can be done by contacting 1(877)746-0829 or visiting our website <>stream 135 0 obj In this case, they may serve 20 children in a full-day session, or they may serve, for example, 20 2-year-old children in a morning session and 20 4-year-old children in an afternoon session. Course categories: The training modules listed in this section meet specific licensing requirements for Illinois DCFS. 5734, effective March 20, 2020, for a maximum of 150 days; emergency expired August 16, 2020; emergency amendment at 44 Ill. Reg. If you have a question about a form in particular, please contact your licensing representative. Sessions not included in this count are evening, overnight, and weekend. FACILITIES AND PROGRAMS EXEMPT FROM LICENSING, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. File Attachment. State/Territory. DCFS encourages anyone who plans to provide care covered by the Child Care Act to become licensed through the Department. 0000004011 00000 n 0000003907 00000 n Part 407: Licensing Standards for Day Care Centers. DCFS provides the following definition: Day care center means any child care facility which regularly provides day care for less than 24 hours per day for more than 8 children in a family home or more than 3 children in a facility other than a family home, including senior citizen buildings. d) When toddlers play and sleep in separate rooms, there shall be minimum of 35 square feet of play space per child and a minimum of 30 square feet of sleeping space per child, with at least two feet between each cot or crib. Inflammable or combustible artwork attached to the walls shall not exceed 20% of any wall area; The licensee shall hold monthly fire safety inspections of the Day Care Home and maintain documentation on file for a period of 1 year; There must be safe outdoor space for active play in yards, nearby parks or playgrounds. 224, effective January 1, 2019; emergency amendment at 44 Ill. Reg. [250 0 0 0 0 0 833 0 333 333 0 0 250 333 250 0 500 500 500 0 500 0 0 500 500 500 333 0 0 0 0 0 0 722 667 722 722 667 611 778 778 389 0 778 667 944 722 778 611 778 722 556 667 722 722 1000 0 722 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 0 444 556 444 333 500 556 278 0 556 278 833 556 500 0 0 444 389 333 556 0 0 0 500] The sum of the capacities of the individual age ranges (6 wks 1 yr, 2 yrs, 3-4 and 5-K) is NOT the same as the total reported capacity for a license-exempt child care center. Consider staggering arrival and drop off times and/or have child care providers come outside the facility to pick up the children as they arrive. Repeated exposures result in an increased amount of time of exposure; the longer a person is exposed to an infected person, the higher the risk of exposure/transmission. Ongoing, on-site supervision will be provided by the Director of the Licensed Day Care Center, and mentoring/coaching by an Early Childhood Teacher/School Age Worker qualified-mentor. <> <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[24 102]/Length 26/Size 126/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream The Director qualifications can be found in the IDCFS licensing regulations via the following path: Title 89: Social Services Chapter III: Department of Children and Family Services Subchapter E: Requirements for Licensure Part 407 Licensing Standards for Day Care Centers Section 407.130 Qualifications for Child Care Director 0000011641 00000 n Day care facilities should follow regular hand washing and sanitation procedures outlined in 89 Ill. Adm. Code 406, 407, and 408. (It might coincidentally be the same in a few cases.) September 2022 update:The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) has updated the Restore Illinois Licensed Day Care Guidance and License Exempt School-Age Guidance. <> Enhanced Staffing Plan should include assurances of adequate staffing along with: Plan regarding grouping of children throughout the entirety of each day including during meal, snack, play and rest. In its online database, IECAM reports only half-day and full-day sessions, which are typically used to determine daytime point-in-time capacity. The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services is seeking an organized, professional, and energetic individual to serve as Foster Home Licensing Specialist. Children must never be left unattended. [250 0 0 0 0 833 0 0 333 333 0 0 250 333 250 278 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 278 0 0 0 0 0 921 722 0 667 722 611 556 722 0 333 0 0 611 889 722 722 556 722 667 556 611 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 444 500 444 500 444 333 500 500 278 278 500 278 778 500 500 500 500 333 389 278 500 500 722 500 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500] Only new cribs manufactured on or after June 28, 2011, must be in place. ", Please note that a family which is eligible for the Child Care Assistance Program may only use their CCAP certificate in a setting that is either exempt from licensure (e.g., a day care home that receives 3 or fewer children) or one that is licensed by the Department. Illinois Department of Children & Family Services, Protecting Children from Domestic Violence, Heart Gallery of Illinois - Children in Need of a Forever Family, Relatives Raising Children/Extended Family Support, Promoting Independence and Self-Sufficiency, Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA), Action Transmittals and Other Emergency Policies in response to COVID-19, 2023.01 Expanded Capacity Waiver Process, 2022.01 Rules 407, Licensing Standards for Day Care Centers (date extended to February 28, 2023), 2021.02 Involuntary Placement Holds on Licensed Foster Homes, 2021.01 Procedures 300 Appendix B, Allegation 22B, 2020.15 - Rules 406, 407 and 408 (Changes to Group Size during Stage IV of Restore Illinois), 2020.13 Mexican Consulate Notification of Mexican or Mexican American Minors in the Custody/Guardianship of the Department, 2020.12 Rules 384 Appendix A, Matrix of Behavior Treatment Techniques, 2020.11 Procedures 314, Educational Services, 2020.10 P302.388 Intact Family Services Unsuccessful Case Closings, 2020.09 P302.388 Intact Family Services Case Categories, 2020.08 - Rules and Procedures 300, Reports of Child Abuse and Neglect, 2020.06 - Procedures 302.Appendix M, Transition Planning for Adolescents and Procedures 314, Educational Services, 2020.05 - Procedures 302.360, Health Care Services; andProcedures 315, Permanency Planning, 2020.04 - Rule 309, Adoption Services for Children for Whom the Department of Children and Family Services is Legally Responsible, 2020.03 - Rules and Procedures 300, Reports of Child Abuse and Neglect, 2020.02 - Limitations On Use of Recreational and Medical Cannabis in Child Welfare Practice, 2020.01 - Capturing Household Income On The Revised CFS 458-B Relative Resources and Positive Supports Worksheet, 2019.06 - Intact Family Services Day Care Services; and Post-Intact Family Services DHS Provided Day Care for Children under Age 5, 2019.05 - Rules 402 Family First Model Foster Home Standards, 2019.03 - Child Endangerment Risk Assessment Protocol, 2019.02 Appeal of Child Abuse and Neglect Investigation Findings, 2019.01 Tuition and Fee Waivers for Youth Served by the Department, 2018.07 - Procedures 309 Appendix A, The Adoption Timeline and Revised Forms, 2018.05 Dental Examination Requirements, 2018.03 - Section 302.410 Subsidized Guardianship Program (KinGAP), 2018.02 - Section 302.310, Adoption Assistance, 2017.10 - COA Reimbursement for POS Agencies, 2017.09 - Quality of Care Concerns Applicant, 2017.08 - License Exempt School-Age and Youth Programs, 2017.07 - Normalcy Parenting and the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard, 2017.06 Prior Authorization of Court-Ordered Services, 2016.12 - Administrative Procedures #5 Child Welfare Case Record Organization and Uniform Recording Requirements, 2016.10 -Safety Plans Replaces PG 2014.20, 2016.08 - Allegation of Harm #86 Neglect by Agency, 2016.07 - CFS 307 Indian Child Welfare Advocacy Program Intake Form, 2016.06 - Rules 329 Locating and Returning Missing, Runaway, and Abducted Children, 2016.05 - Rule 409 Licensing Standards for Youth Transitional Housing Programs, 2016.03 - Staff Immunizations in Licensed Day Care Facilities, 2016.02 - Legislative Update for Licensed Day Care Facilities, 2015.18 - Mandatory School Attendance Exemptions, 2015.15 - Illinois Foster Child and Youth Bill of Rights, 2015.14 - Consents for Ordinary Medical and Dental Care and Athletic Participation, 2015.13 - Procedures 314, Education Services, 2015.10 - Educational Documentation in Day Care Homes, 2015.05 - Day Care Staff Immunization Guidelines, 2015.04 - Intake Holds on Child Care Agencies and Institutions, 2015.03 - Legislative Update for Foster Home Licensing Staff, 2015.02 - Legislative Update for Permanency and Adoption Staff, 2014.19 - Change in the KinGap Subsidized Guardianship Program, 2014.18 - Acceptance of Delinquent Minors for Placement and Services, 2014.16 - Recording of AFCARS Required Information, 2014.14 - Swimming Pools and Water Hazards In Foster Family Homes, 2013.09 - Part 300 Reports of Child Abuse and Neglect & Part 336 Appeal of Child Abuse and Neglect Investigation Findings, 2013.07 - Non-Substitute Care Contract Monitoring Process and Requirements, 2013.03 - Clinical Intervention for Placement Preservation (CIPP), 2013.02 - Creating and Opening Intact Family and Payment Only Cases, 2013.01 - Reinstatement of Parental Rights Through Adoption, 2012.08 - Revised Group/Day Care Home Fire Inspection Instructions, 2012.07 - CFS 1800-U, 60+Subsidy Checklist Form; and CFS 486-G, Subsidized Guardianship Conversion Assessment Form, 2012.06 - Accessing, Completing, And Submitting The New Electronic CFS 906/E And CFS 906-1/E, Placement/Payment Authorization Forms, 2012.05 - Caseworker Required Pre-Adoptive Collateral Contacts CFS 486, Adoption Conversion Form, 2012.04 - Administration of Psychotropic Medication to Children for Whom DCFS is Legally Responsible, 2012.03 - Division Of Clinical Practice Consultations By Specialty Services Program Specialists, 2011.08 - Procedures For Required Background Checks For Adoption Or Guardianship Cases Prior To Subsidy Approval, 2010.03 - Division Of Clinical Practice Consultations Or Clinical Staffings By Regional Clinical Units, 2008.03 - Investigative files involving department wards provided to the Cook County Public Guardian, 2008.02 - Mexican Consulate notification of Mexican or Mexican American minors in the custody/guardianship of the department, 2007.16 - Department Compliance with Federal Regulations, 2007.06 - Family Reunification Support Special Service Fee, 2006.02 - Creating and Opening Cases in SACWIS, 2005.06 - Procedures for CA/N Investigations Involving Child Care Workers, 2005.05 - Matching For Adoption & Permanency Unit (MAP), 2005.01 - Final Findings in Child Abuse and Neglect Investigations, 2003.12 - Type Service Code 0118 Case Management Only Services, 2003.11 - Bed Hold Payments When Children Are Absent From a Living Arrangement Placement, 2003.01 - Clinical Review Notice of Placement Change-Cook County Only, 2002.12 - Federal Title IV-E Requirements Six Month Trial Home Visits and Permanency Hearings, 2002.10 - Reimbursement for Business Use of Personal Phones, 2002.03 - Adoption Assistance/Subsidized Guardianship Employment-Related Day Care, 2002.02 - Amending Adoption & Guardianship Assistance Agreements, 2001.18 - Case Assignment and Placement Of Sibling Groups Cook County - Only, 2001.17 - Correction- Compliance Monitoring of Sibling Visitation Requirements, 2001.16 - Home of Relative Licensing and Permanency Initiative, 2001.07 - Foster Home Licensing Violations & Enforcement History Review, 2001.05 - Adoption Recruitment and Placement Between Agencies, 2001.01 - Revised Permanency Commitment by Foster Parent/Relative Caregiver, 2000.16 - Case Assignment & Placement of Sibs-Cook County, 2000.07 - Screen for Need for Home Services Program-DHS/ORS, 2000.03 - Prohibition of Falsification of Records, 2000.02 - Redacting Police Reports From CANTS Files, 1999.14 - Emergency Assistance Program Referral Protocol, 1999.07 - Treatment Referrals for Victims of Sexual Abuse, 1999.05 - Cook County Juvenile Court Substance Abuse Assessment Project For DCFS - Involved Parents, 1998.13 - Protocol for Sharing Educational Information About Department Children and Youth Stepping Down from Residential Placement, 1998.04 - Independent Utilization Reviews(UIR), 1993.06 - Timely Filing of Petitions To Terminate Parental Rights.
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